April 9, 2021
Vanessa Niragira
This type of promotion may have a lot of added pressure to it, but this is the time to really get to know your customers and more specifically what they like about your brand and what drew them in. Once you learn that, you can build your target audience and therefore you can look for more people just like them.
Really think about them, write a story about them. For example, Bob is a mechanic at NAPPA in Miami, he loves tacos, makes 75K/year and drives a 1998 Ford Bronco, has 2 kids, Chris and Ty, a wife named Karen and a husky named Rex. Bob is not very brand loyal and is always trying to pinch pennies. The more detail the better to create these personas to help identify who your targets really are. Big brands spend A LOT of time doing just this.
Or maybe you’re rebranding your image and switching into different products and services and need to discover your consumers’ wants and needs.
Regardless of your reasoning for wanting to acquire new consumers, it’s always important to do so! So how are we going to attract them? Well, something to remember about consumer promotions is they’re about building loyalty, and where there’s loyalty there is understanding and trust. If you don’t understand what your customers want then the promotion won’t be of service to you. As well, if the people don’t trust your brand they might buy once but very little will return; don’t do all this work just to never see that consumer again!
Consider incorporating influencer marketing in your consumer promotion, if it’s within your budget! The opinions of public figures can sway the opinions of the consumers that feel that your brand is untrustworthy!
So what is it that the people want? What can you provide to get them that they value?? What’s keeping them from giving you a shot? Maybe you need to come out with new products and services and offer a discount to give them the incentive they need to try our your brand.
Is it your customer service? Consider offering your current customers points, dollars off or a bonus gift, etc., if they provide feedback on their experience!
Do people not know who your brand is? Let them get to know you, with an “event” (post-Covid yeah.. yeah) in which they get some sort of discount for attending!
Attracting new customers is always a great idea for any brand, if you understand your current target audience all it will take is your time and consideration to attract new ones.
In our next blog, we discuss Turning New Customers into Returning Customers Using Consumer Promotions, we think you’ll find it pretty helpful!
To find all of our consumer promotions blogs, you can take a look here!
Vanessa, Oakville Ontario, March 2021