April 16, 2021
Vanessa Niragira
We touched on this topic previously in attracting new customers, but we will go more in-depth into keeping those new customers and turning them into repeat buyers. You want to build loyalty through understanding and trust, and you need to be consistent during and after a consumer promotion.
Alright so it may not seem like it, but you are in the best part of the consumer relationship….kinda. This place in the consumer relationship is great because the ball is now in your court! Remember giving up an email is not easy, especially to a casual shopper; so the fact that you got them in the door and even better, a purchase out of them is great! Now what happens next is completely on your brand, will they shop with you forever or never again?
That’s not to scare you but instead to light a bit of fire under you. Think about it, they’ve already made a purchase and they liked what you offered in exchange for their email address so they probably like your brand too! So as long as you keep providing them with what they want you’ll get to stay in their lives. We know that’s easier said than done but follow along with us.
Above we mentioned the idea of receiving feedback from your customers in exchange for whatever your brand would like to give! This survey can be used to make sure your customer service is up to standard, which products are and aren’t doing as projected, or even what the next promotion should focus on!
Your customers are unique and they want to be treated as such so giving them outlets to talk about how they feel about your brand is a perfect way to keep them as your customers.
Now that you got them and they’re here to stay, it’s time to get to know them! How you ask? You’ll be doing this by Categorizing Your Customers Through Consumer Promotions, which we just so happen to have a blog about!
To find all of our consumer promotions blogs, you can take a look here!
Vanessa Niragira, Oakville ON, March 2021