March 19, 2021
Vanessa Niragira
The same way that having a phone number for your consumers is beneficial, an email address is even better! Think about it, you can send an email with perfect aesthetically pleasing images to showcase your brand! Not to mention how often we check our phones.
The next time your consumer checks their inbox they’ll see your email right at their fingertips and hopefully, you’ve captivated them enough to do more than just swipe to the left. Let’s not forget that email provides more room to convey a message, ensuring that your message is communicated exactly how you’d like it to be. God forbid your brand needs to issue an apology, you will not be sending that through a text!
Now that we’ve aggressively addressed why you most definitely want your consumers’ emails… Let’s get into how you can obtain them! While it’s true that some older folks are hesitant in giving up their email addresses in fear of being spammed, that is simply a fact of life. You’re going to see spam whether it’s in your inbox or on the shelf at the grocery store. There are instances where that fear temporarily disappears.
All of the instances are similar to that of acquiring phone numbers, however, when you’re asking for an email it’s easy enough to ask for a first and last name as well. Of course, your brand will have to give something if you’d like to get something, it should be an equal exchange after all. One of the easiest things is to give a percentage off of their order. But if you really want to get them (this sounds much more menacing than we’re intending, but also not really, but also kinda), when asking for their information and adding it to your brand’s database, offer something else of value as well.
Remember, customer loyalty goes a long way and it’s not that hard to earn. Whether it’s credits towards future purchases, a free product or sample, or even a gold star ( *cough* Starbucks *cough*) it doesn’t matter, it just needs to keep them coming back for more!
Remember this is all in the early cycles of your consumer’s relationship with your brand, it’s important to categorize your consumers in whatever stage they’re in. Whether they’re early, infrequent, consistent, etc., tailor your promotions accordingly.
Now that you’ve got their emails, it’s time to plan out those coupons or offers you’re going to use to keep your consumers coming back! Check out our blog on the Types of Coupons To Use During a Consumer Promotion to learn just that… we might even tell you when to use them!
To find all of our consumer promotions blogs, you can take a look here!
Vanessa Niragira, Oakville, ON, February 2021